25 December, 2007

Don't give up

An angel told me about this song, and I pay forward now for all my beloved people around the world, Don't give up.

22 December, 2007

Life's little lessons

10 December, 2007

Winter nights

في ليالي الشتاء الباردة، لم أكن أملك سوى إبتسامتها الدافئة

01 December, 2007

nice words

i quot this from one of my friends:
i cried when i didn`t have any shoes till i saw a man with no legs

i love this song, it makes me happy

Majida makes me happy, and this song is special to me :

28 November, 2007

nice poem i read somewhere

I read this poem somewhere, I don't know about the author:

لماذا في مدينتنا ؟
نعيش الحب تهريباً وتزويراً ؟
ونسرق من شقوق الباب موعدنا
ونستعطي الرسائل
لماذا في مدينتنا ؟
يصيدون العواطف والعصافيرا
لماذا نحن قصديرا ؟
وما يبقى من الإنسان
حين يصير قصديرا ؟
لماذا نحن مزدوجون
إحساسا وتفكيرا ؟
لماذا نحن ارضيون ..
تحتيون .. نخشى الشمس والنورا ؟
لماذا أهل بلدتنا ؟
يمزقهم تناقضهم
ففي ساعات يقظتهم
يسبون الضفائر والتنانيرا
وحين الليل يطويهم
يضمون التصاوي

23 November, 2007

Between Sydney and Petra or "Love in wrikles age"

He was sitting in his wheel chair, while she was sitting next to him, they were both in their seventh decade, and were enjoying the sea near Opera House (Sydney).

I was walking near by when I saw them, I went directly to them, and told them how happy they made me, for a moment they looked at me surprised, they seemed thinking where the hell I came from, and what I wanted, especially they didn't know me, and I didn't know them.

I told them, how happy I feel when I see old married couples, but they seemed as if they were taking that for granted after being married for many years, they didn't know that they were blessed they are still married even in their old age, they seemed they forgot that nowadays couples don't stay married for long, or that divorce became the norm.

Then, the woman told me how they visited Petra with her husband even when her husband couldn't walk; they thanked me for reminding them of what they forgot, they thanked me for reminding them of the beautiful love in the wrinkles age.

18 November, 2007

ميسون الشريف سيدة أردنية متخصصة فـي زراعة وإكثار الفطر تحصل على جائزة مبدعات

عمان- رانيا الهندي - ميسون الشريف .. سيدة أردنية بزغ نجمها مؤخرا، وعرفت لدى مجتمع سيدات الأعمال الأردنيات والعربيات بفضل مصدرين، حصولها على جائزة الإبداع خلال ملتقى الاقتصادي الثالث الذي اختتم في البحرين مؤخرا، والثاني لإنتاجها بذار المشروم من مختبرها الخاص الذي أنشأته بيديها.
في بداية مشوارها العملي لم تتردد ''الشريف'' في البحث عن فكرة مشروع مميز يحدث في حياتها نقلة ''جذرية'' كما تقول، ولعل المشروع المميز الذي أنشأته وهو عبارة عن مزارع متخصصة في إنتاج الفطر والذي كان وليد الصدفة هو ذات صلة وثيقة بتخصصها العلمي الذي درسته في الجامعة .
''بعد تخرجي من الجامعة تخصص علوم صحية / مختبرات طبية، لم أكن أرغب بوظيفة روتينية، فبحثت عن مشروع مميز يناسب شهادتي ؛ فمعدل البطالة في المملكة وصل إلى 4ر14% ، وهي نسبة كبيرة بالنسبة لتعداد السكان (6ر5 مليون نسمة)، وخلال بحثي على الانترنت وجدت عدة مواقع تتحدث عن المشروم وفوائده الصحية والغذائية فقررت الاستفسار أكثر عن المشروع وماهيته''.
وتضيف :'' بعد دراسات مستفضية حول الفطر، لم أجد أي مزرعة متخصصة بزراعته في المملكة فأجريت اتصالات عدة مع مؤسسات تعنى بالأفكار الريادية منها برنامج إرادة، وبرنامج تطوير الأعمال وصندوق التنمية والتشغيل للحصول على قرض لإنشاء أول مزرعة في مدينة العقبة''.
بعد حصولها على قرض قيمته 4 آلاف دينار من ''التنمية والتشغيل'' أنشأت الشريف أول مزرعة متخصصة بإنتاج الفطر هي الأولى على مستوى المملكة ، تلتها مزرعة أخرى بعد نجاح الأولى، ومختبر للحصول على مسحوق المشروم بعد تجفيفه والاستفادة منه في العديد من الصناعات الأخرى.
وبموازاة ذلك قامت الشريف بتأسيس مركز تجميل خاص في مدينة العقبة تستخدم من خلاله مستحضرات تجميل تعتمد مكوناتها الكلية على مادة الفطر الذي وصفته بأنه ''ذات فوائد جمة صحية وغذائية '' فهو على حد تعبيرها غذاء بروتيني خالي من اللحم ينخفض به محتوي الكربوهيدرات والدهون ولكن ترتفع نسبة البروتين فيه إلى حوالي 50% من وزنة الجاف، مخفض لارتفاع ضغط الدم ويعمل على خفض نسبة الكوليسترول والفطر الصالح للأكل يحتوي على معادن الكالسيوم والمنجنيز والصوديوم والمغنيسيوم والفسفور والكلور والبوتاسيوم والحديد والزنك والنحاس واليود . كما يحتوى الفطر على كمية كبيرة من الفيتامينات والعناصر اللازمة لصحة الإنسان وكذلك بعض الأنزيمات التي تساعد على الهضم . تحتوي ثمار الفطر على عديد من الأحماض الأمينية الأساسية لجسم الإنسان مثل الأيزوليوسين ، الليوسين ، المثيونين ، الفنيل الأنين ، الثيرونين بنسب متفاوتة، كما أن معظم الكربوهيدرات الموجودة في ثمار الفطر عبارة عن مانيتول وتحتوي على نسب مختلفة من الفراكتوز والجلوكوز والسكروز ولذا يعتبر ثمار الفطر حلقة وسيطة بين الخضراوات واللحوم لإرتفاع نسبة البروتين بها . وتمثل الدهون حوالي 4,0% من الوزن الطازج للفطر وذلك على صورة بعض الأحماض الدهنية مثل حمض الستريك والبالمتيك والأولييك وغيرها . وتوجد هذه الأحماض الدهنية على صورة ستيرولات وليست في صورة كوليسترول مما يمنع تراكمه في الشرايين . لم تقتصر نجاحات ''الشريف'' عند هذا الحد، بل تعدتها لتصبح فيما بعد مدربة ومشرفة على إقامة مزارع للفطر في مختلف محافظات المملكة وبالتعاون مع العديد من المؤسسات المحلية مثل مؤسسة نهر الأردن، حيث عمدت إلى تدريب العديد من النساء على زراعة وإكثار الفطر في كل العقبة، مأدبا، إربد والمفرق.
جهود الشريف تكللت مؤخرا بالنجاح حينما استطاعت توظيف 13 سيدة في مزرعتي الفطر و مركز التجميل وتسديد جميع الديون التي ترتبت عليها بعد وفاة والدها. وفي السابع من الشهر الجاري تلقت '' الشريف'' جائزة من قرينة ملك البحرين، الشيخة سبيكة بنت إبراهيم آل خليفة، رئيسة ''المجلس الأعلى للمرأة'' خلال معرض استمر يومين وضم نتاجاً لسيدات مبدعات من 16 دولة عربية، تم عقده خلال الملتقى الاقتصادي الثالث لسيدات الأعمال العرب في المنامة. وأكدت الشيخة سبيكة أن ''المبدعات '' استطعن أن يقدمن صورة مشرقة للمرأة العربية الرائدة في مجال العمل الاقتصادي الحر من خلال وصول أعمالهن للأسواق العالمية وقدرتهن على المنافسة فيها. مشيرة إلى جهود مجلس سيدات الأعمال العرب في تنظيم مثل هذه المعارض التي من شأنها أن تقدم صورة مشرفة عن المرأة العربية في مجال الأعمال الحرة، وتحفز المبدعات من نساء الوطن العربي على تقديم كل ما هو متميز في مجالات العمل الاقتصادية. وأشادت بالرؤى الاقتصادية المطروحة للمشروعات الصغيرة والمتوسطة بالمعرض، والمبادرات المشتركة لتعزيز التعاون الاقتصادي واستقطاب رؤوس الأموال لتشجيع قيام مشروعات مشتركة بين ذوي الاختصاص في الوطن العربي. وشملت معروضات، ''المبدعات''، أشغالاً يدوية وحرفية ومكاتب لتصميم الأزياء وأعمال الخدمات كالشحن وبعض المنتجات الغذائية، ومطبوعات ونشاطات إعلامية.
سر نجاح ''الشريف'' يعود إلى عوامل عدة منها التزامها التام بالعمل وفق القواعد والأسس المتبعة عالميا بالإضافة إلى إيمانها بما قاله الرومان ''إذا كنت جريئا فمن الممكن أن تفشل ولكن إذا لم تكن جريئا، فمن المؤكد انك ستفشل''.

03 November, 2007

Yes, You can Fly

He was giving a lecture to a bunch of students, when one of them told him that he asks them too much for their homework, and that if he still remembers when he was a student he wouldn't ask them for that homework.

His eyes fell to the ground, and he smiled, he looked around, and told them do you see this place, students thought he went nuts,

He raised his voice, and then realized how young those students were, he began telling his story:

"Once upon a time, I was a fresh student" he said, "studying in this university" he continued.

And stopped talking, all students were looking at him, expecting him to continue, "I was caught with some students for a political reason" he said in low voice, "and then?" students asked.

"I spent 20 years in prison" he paused, students thought he was joking, but seems he was serious about it, because he told them that they could make sure of his story, he told them that he spent 20 years in prison, and it was better to stay there, rather to get freedom and start from no where.

"I decided that I want to continue my education, I got Bachelor, Masters, and Doctorate" he told them, but now with a smile on his face, "I can't believe I could do that" he laughed, "just one thing proves it, I'm standing in front of you and giving you lectures" he was really happy, and they all smiled, and forgot about the difficult homework, "don't say you can't achieve anything, because you don't really know how strong you are" he told them, they believed him, because he wasn't just telling them about someone they should follow his example, he was telling them about himself who was real in front of their eyes, he was so real, that they can't but believe.

Some of you might think that this is only fiction, but believe it or not, a friend of one of those students told me the story, and told me he is a famous professor in a very famous university.

Don't wait to find yourself in a situation to prove that you can do something great, enjoy being healthy, and having much time to achieve your goals, or do something you will be proud of .

Can you? I'm sure you can, yes we can, lets fly before we lose feather, lets enjoy fresh air above, before a hunter shoots us.

28 October, 2007

Some photos of Amman Downtown

26 October, 2007

Should we rebel against traditions

most of the time it is controversial how we see traditions, if any Jordanian begin to think of getting married he/she will be faced by a repeated word "traditions" from many people around them, like 'its against traditions' or 'we should do that since its part of traditions', sometimes is not just a country traditions, but family traditions, I have heard many parents say they are used to get their daughters' married for JODs10,000 or 5000 etc, when I ask them what if the guy is a good man, they say they can't get their daughter married for nothing, I ask again what if you get her married to one rich and you had the biggest party, and one day he become poor, they say its different, how the hell its different, are they really selling their daughters, or getting them married, of course I'm not saying they don't have a party, but at least stop asking for impossible, try to understand the situation.

To be honest I have not experienced this before, but it really bothers me, to fall in love with a woman, then I propose and her parents tell me their requirements and I can't afford it, it really does.

So you assume I'm talking about getting married in Jordan? But really I'm not talking specifically about it, I use it as an example for talking about rotten traditions, I have just finished watching a movie and it was about how hard be without a partner and the problems that exist when some people are deprived from the chance of getting married, having a boyfriend/ girlfriend (partner), they are in pain or hurt, not because they are only deprived of sex, but also because they need to be loved by someone and love someone, its human nature to live that experience.

When it comes to the Arab world in general, you find many who suffer silently, and there are many who break the rules and live their own way, ignoring accusations of immorality from others, so I thought of studying this, and try to analyze it, and I found that traditions play a major role in all this, but when I thought more, I discovered that in addition to traditions there is the rotten way of thinking our people still have, let away if there is a way of thinking the first place, as people just follow rules blindly, and don't think at all, when they cause others pain without knowing, like parents when they refuse getting their daughter married for a good guy because he can't satisfy their requirements, because they will be ashamed when they don't have a big wedding party their family will talk about forever.

Is it really traditions that cause many problems in our society, or our way of thinking is behind all that? If we don't do any thing to correct that, we will all lose, and suffer, parents, their daughters, sons, and the community as a whole, the sad thing about this post is that it will not change anything, many people wrote about it, but nothing changed.

So can we rebel against some traditions, or let's rebel against the way most people here think, let's do something.

22 October, 2007

First time I cook, awasome

I: I like cooking, allow me to cook please.

Mom: yeah, sure, why not, but better to taste first.

I: but I want to cook.

Mom: good tasters, better cooks.

That’s how I fell in love with my mom food at first taste, I always helped mom with cooking, I mean tasting, but it took me too long to begin learning cooking, almost two decades to know why my mom didn't want me to cook, she always had that expression on her face, and asking me "do you want to cook and let your wife rest?" thought it was a simple joke, anyway, may be I was convinced with that too.

But guess what, I really like cooking, but that doesn't mean you tell my future wife that I have passion for cooking, if she happened to know you one day.

Whatever, at last I did it, it’s a jump start cooking, took me two days preparing, and seems I managed to convince my mom to leave alone and try something, so I did cook "Fatteh" or what call "chick beans Fatteh" which I don't know how to translate, so I thought it would be better if I have some pictures of that delicious food.

But if someone asks why I'm writing about it, actually it’s a personal reason, rather anything else, its all about how I wanted all my life to cook, where my mom in away kept me out of it, and where I was always tried to do, after 20 years I finally get ready, and cook something, and for the first time, I feel I did something, some may say its silly, to me its not, Proactivity is more than just writing, saying , its more about doing, whatever its, do it, do it.

I learned a new lesson, its not enough to want to do, it is more to do what u want, and it took me many years to realize that.

16 October, 2007

Palestinian Mother sees her daughter after 15 years

I always write about inspiring stories, today, a friend of mine sent me an email, I couldn't hold myself from crying.

His email is about a famous female poet, who always recited her poetry on Arabic Satellite Channels, in Sabra and Shatila massacre, 16 of September 1982, she lost 54 of her family, while she was in a visit to Tal Al-Zaatr refugees camp, when she visited Shatila camp she didn't find anyone of her family, but she didn't know that one of her neighbors rescued her 8 years old daughter.

in the second Intifada, her neighbor saw her while she was on TV reading some of her poems, and recognized her.

read the article here, and watch the meeting between mother poet and her daughter here, if you don't understand Arabic, its ok, because you don't need translation, just watch.

12 October, 2007

Paul Pots, Sales man sings Opera (inspiring)

Do you have a dream? Do you think you are talented? People didn't believe you, right? A friend told me to watch this inspiring video on YouTube.

Don't give up your dreams, because when you do, it is the end.

click here to watch and get inspired, or click embedded YouTube below.

10 October, 2007

Iftar with little angels

Few fellow bloggers could make it to the Iftar with little orphan children, yesterday, arranged by Sunnaa Al Hayat (Life Makers, Al Zarqa University branch), Mazen (Sanitary Measures), Shaden (The Sugar Cubes), Jad (Jad's Thoughts), Husam (7usam), Tareq (Bryce lover), Ibrahim (Opairah's blog), 7ala (رؤى), and others I don't remember their names now, had the chance the participate in this event, and I don't want to forget that 7ala was behind reminding and insisting on us to attend as a way to participate in charitable events, and to meet up with fellow bloggers, it was so long now since our last Jordanian Bloggers meet up.

It was segregated, so bloggers was engaged in single gender conversations, ironically, except that, the event went on ok, after we finished Iftar, we prayed together, and at last they played music, the music was somehow strange, it was dancing music, I felt that I wanted to dance, actually I didn't understand that double-standards thing, some things are allowed, others things are not, in a way it was superficial, but deep we can see the good part of that huge effort, the organizers tried their best to do what they think will help in a way or another to make Jordan a better place, at the same time we still have the right to disagree with them, although they were nice people, supportive and encouraging.

some photos :

06 October, 2007

Pay it forward, and be true

Have you ever watched a movie, and felt you were flying after you finished watching, today; I watched another movie that made me fly and filled with happiness, really one.

Titled "Pay it forward" it's about a very simple idea "paying forward", but hard one too, what if we instead of paying back to whom do us favors, pay it forward to three people, we choose and who need it, and ask them to do the same, it will be exponential, one will help three, and three will help nine and so on, can you imagine that after two cycles there would be nine who benefit from that process.

You might think what a silly idea this is!! But believe me its not that easy, idealistically it is possible, but realistically it is hard and need deep faith in human positive power.

I don't want to talk about this idea too much, it won't help, and I'd rather recommend you watch the movie, and pay it forward to three others, let the wheel move.

Enjoy watching and paying forward

03 October, 2007

Little Man (boy)

It is not an easy thing to be a female in this community, from time to time something happens that reminds us of that harsh reality.

Today, on the way to work, I happened to hear a conversation between two little school kids, a girl and her brother, he looked younger than her, but clearly shorter, where he was like an elf standing next to a giant.

He was dragging his feet slowly, with that sleepy look on his face, while she was energetic and walking fast, suddenly she looked back and yelled at him, to walk faster, she was trying to convince him that school is far away, and if they kept walking in that pace, they wouldn't make it to school on time.

He looked at her angrily like a volcano; he seemed to me as a little man that moment, something got him mad, and said "Sh** on you!" literally translated from Arabic, apparently he remembered his father or mother instructions not to let his sister yell at him, because he is a man, and men is not to be yelled at from women, it’s the way around, this is what he learned, actually, he didn't say that, but I thought it might be the case, from experience in this part of the world.

The girl dropped her head, and followed her stupid lazy brother, but now looked like a man, with that smile on his face.

20 September, 2007


A little girl went to her bedroom and pulled a glass jelly jar from its hiding place in the closet.

She poured the change out on the floor and counted it carefully. Three times, even. The total had to be exactly perfect. No chance here for mistakes.

Carefully placing the coins back in the jar and twisting on the cap, she slipped out the back door and made her way 6 blocks to Rexall's Drug Store with the big red Indian Chief sign above the door.

She waited patiently for the pharmacist to give her some attention, but he was too busy at this moment. Tess twisted her feet to make a scuffing noise. Nothing. She cleared her throat with the most disgusting sound she could muster. No good. Finally she took a quarter from her jar and banged it on the glass counter. That did it!

"And what do you want?" the pharmacist asked in an annoyed tone of voice. I'm talking to my brother from Chicago whom I haven't seen in ages," he said without waiting for a reply to his question.

"Well, I want to talk to you about my brother," Tess answered back in the same annoyed tone. "He's really, really sick..and I want to buy a miracle."

"I beg your pardon?" said the pharmacist.

"His name is Andrew and he has something bad growing inside his head and my Daddy says only a miracle can save him now. So how much does a miracle cost?"

"We don't sell miracles here, little girl. I'm sorry but I can't help you," the pharmacist said, softening a little

"Listen, I have the money to pay for it. If it isn't enough, I will get the rest. Just tell me how much it costs."

The pharmacist's brother was a well dressed man. He stooped down and asked the little girl, "What kind of a miracle does your brother need?"

" I don't know," Tess replied with her eyes welling up. I just know he's really sick and Mommy says he needs an operation. But my Daddy can't pay for it, so I want to use my money."

"How much do you have?" asked the man from Chicago .

"One dollar and eleven cents," Tess answered barely audibly.

"And it's all the money I have, but I can get some more if I need to."

"Well, what a coincidence, " smiled the man. "A dollar and eleven cents---the exact price of a miracle for little brothers. "

He took her money in one hand and with the other hand he grasped her mitten and said "Take me to where you live. I want to see your brother and meet your parents. Let's see if I have the miracle you need."

That well dressed man was Dr. Carlton Armstrong, a surgeon, specializing in neuro-surgery. The operation was completed free of charge and it wasn't long until Andrew was home again and doing well.

Mom and Dad were happily talking about the chain of events that had led them to this place.

"That surgery," her Mom whispered. "was a real miracle. I wonder how much it would have cost?"

Tess smiled. She knew exactly how much a miracle cost...one dollar and eleven cents....plus the faith of a little child.

In our lives, we never know how many miracles we will need.

A miracle is not the suspension of natural law, but the operation of a higher law. I know you'll keep the ball moving!

Here it goes. Throw it back to someone who means something to you!

A ball is a circle, no beginning, no end. It keeps us together like our Circle of Friends. But the treasure inside for you to see is the treasure of friendship you've granted to me.

Today I pass the friendship ball to you.

Pass it on to someone who is a friend to you.


When you are sad.....I will dry your tears.

When you are scared.....I will comfort your fears.

When you are worried..... I will give you hope.

When you are confused.... .I will help you cope.

And when you are lost....And can't see the light, I shall be your beacon.....Shining ever so bright.

This is my oath.....I pledge till the end.

Why you may ask?.....Because you're my friend.

Signed: GOD


18 September, 2007

What a Donkey!

Today was cool from the beginning, all people around, parents walking with their children going to schools, or cars drivers are all happy and no one is shouting, or looks angry; as a miracle all of a sudden happened in Amman, I'm not being ironic or dreaming, this is Amman during the holy month of Ramadan.

So I was happy talking to my coworkers, since I always avoid any kind of communication during the holy month, but all again was exceptional, I might be dreaming was hallucinating, but no I can believe it.

I finished work early, and went home, to have some rest after the long working day in Ramadan, as we only work for 5 hours, and please don't misunderstand me; I'm not being sarcastic at all, as you see everything is exceptional today.

So, I went to my beloved bed and cuddled my cushion, then I gave it good night kiss and was about to get into deep sleeping, everything was quiet, life beautiful, but my mobile suddenly began ringing stupidly, I mean beautifully, I loved it, I wanted to be angry, but no, it was great time for someone to call me, I answered it and 10 seconds later I finished the call, promising that I would call back after I wake up.

I smiled to my cushion again, and winked it, its interesting for people to call you during your sleep, and again I was getting deep into sleeping, when someone was saying:" What a donkey you are!" and: "you are an animal", I asked if he was talking to me, he said:"yes, don't you know yourself", I turned to my right side and tried to sleep, but again the voice repeated what he began, but loudly this time.

I turned to my left side and looked around, nobody was there, he said again: "you, wake up, I'm talking to you, you donkey" and:" don't you get it," I said stupidly: "no! What do you want?" I asked, I turned to the right side, and then left and so on, but I couldn't get ride of that person, all was perfect day, I thought, was I dreaming again, I really wanted to wake up from that beautiful dream , I couldn't keep sleeping with that voice.

Gradually, I began to wake up, the voice inside was lower the more I realize that I was sleeping, but suddenly the voice came back again so loud this time, I closed my ears, to discover that our neighbor was teaching her son, and shouting at him "What a donkey you are!" and "You’re an animal".

I became happy for a moment, then I was angry, annoyed, and irritated again, I believed her that I was a donkey, how about her son, what does he think now? Does he think that he is smart Donkey? Please don't misunderstand me, I'm not being ironic, its just today was perfect.

Confession: no one can deny that our neighbor's son is stupid, but was she doing the right thing, reminding him of his stupidity? Any suggestions?

The moral of the story, is don't believe anyone who tells you are a donkey.

Sweet dreams

17 September, 2007

Cold Love

Her name was Winter, and his was Summer.
She told him she likes summer, and laughed.
But she was cold.

11 September, 2007

My Blog Makeover

On the eve of Ramadan i tried this new look for my blog :)
Happy Ramadan