19 February, 2006

I'm Not Made of Steel

Alone at office, comfortably sitting in his computer-chair, trying to finish some work after all went home, he liked it when there was no one around, although unable to move any of his fingers, tired to death, he had to stay late, he was struggling with that internal voice "you are tired!, go home, you deserve a good meal, and a hot cup of tea" that voice kept telling him, each time he refused to listen to that "evil" voice, next time that voice came stronger, and more persistent, he couldn't keep focused, and lost the desire to finish work.

So instead he was visiting his own blog again, proud of his last few posts, he started reading his last post the 100th time, " I don't believe I wrote that" he smiled, he was sure that people would like it when they visit his blog, and read his posts, as he was checking if there was any comments submitted by one of his fans, he was surprised to find not even one comment, he didn't believe it, and joy suddenly began to fade, "No! It is not a proof that people don't like my posts," his ego echoed inside, he smiled then he put his hands behind his head and relaxed.

He suddenly became full of energy again, although he didn’t know what the reason was," now I can read some of Jordan's most prominent bloggers posts," he thought, so he began reading one of those posts, it was well-written, the blogger could easily express himself, his language was perfect, he enjoyed reading that post over and over again, "it is wonderful when one can easily use a language to write such a great piece of art" he thought, "look at these comments, seem many people read his blog, lucky him!" he told himself, while he was reading that post word by word, he remembered his blog, a black cloud was hovering over his head and suddenly he became sad, "I'm a failure!" he was convinced this time.

He dragged himself out of his chair, and decided to go home, but while he was going to close the internet browser something got his attention, a message of a newly arrived email, "now! I have to go home" he protested, then he decided to see who the sender was, he switched windows, Outlook window was in front of all windows, his eyes fell on the sender's address, and he couldn't believe his eyes, that email was sent by one of the most famous bloggers in Amman nowadays, "I'm dreaming!" he thought, his hands shaking, he moved the cursor of the mouse, double-clicked that email opened, and started reading, afraid that he wouldn't find what he had wanted to read, he couldn't believe it for a second, "Thank you!" he just wanted to tell that angel, he was sure that that angel didn't know her words would arrive at that moment of weakness, and would save him, a tear-drop was about to fall, " I'm not supposed to cry," he told himself," I'm the founder of Proactivity Group blog, don't let that tears…" he thought, "but I need to express gratitude, I need to feel I'm human" he was thinking, when something tapped him on the shoulder, quickly he looked behind, through the window he saw the lights of the street smiling to the walking people, going home after a long working day, he smiled, then he went home.


Anonymous said...

This is such a great post and it touched me so deeply .. as I know what a simple gesture can do .. like today for example .. I got a very nice email from a friend of mine and it made my day literally .. it made me feel that the small things we do .. never go unnoticed .. thank you for expressing this so well ..

Lulwa said...

I know how this person feels, I am a new blogger, and I check and recheck my blog all the time...to see if people like what they are reading, or hate what they are reading, bas at least are they reading!!!!
Thanks for expressing so well.


Anonymous said...

well well eyad,
way to go, after all it's true we r not made of steel,steel is not human,and thank god we r human...
we have feelings,and yes we gwt tierd of life sometimes,but little simple words gives us back our strenght to go on...
good luck with ur writing..
take care

Anonymous said...

i am really happy to see these comments.

Dar said...

That was touchi !