16 October, 2007

Palestinian Mother sees her daughter after 15 years

I always write about inspiring stories, today, a friend of mine sent me an email, I couldn't hold myself from crying.

His email is about a famous female poet, who always recited her poetry on Arabic Satellite Channels, in Sabra and Shatila massacre, 16 of September 1982, she lost 54 of her family, while she was in a visit to Tal Al-Zaatr refugees camp, when she visited Shatila camp she didn't find anyone of her family, but she didn't know that one of her neighbors rescued her 8 years old daughter.

in the second Intifada, her neighbor saw her while she was on TV reading some of her poems, and recognized her.

read the article here, and watch the meeting between mother poet and her daughter here, if you don't understand Arabic, its ok, because you don't need translation, just watch.


Madi said...

so touchy, bs el um matat wela o'3ma 3aliha ?

eyad said...

Jad: shoo hal 3iz elli ana feeh, wallah welcome feek on my blog, i don't think she passed away,may just blacked out.
